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    New York City banned trans fats, California follows suit and the word is most bio-diesel is made from oil used for deep frying.

    It's not entirely clear how this change might affect the green car community members who interact the most with restaurant oil: biodiesel homebrewers. We can take a guess, though, by reading the Sept/Oct issue of U.S. Canola Digest, the official publication of the U.S. Canola Association and Northern Canola Growers Association. The magazine has a good article on high-stability canola oil, which contains no trans fats. For us, the important thing to take away from the article is that this healthier, trans fat free oil has a longer frying life (see chart after the jump) and therefore will not be replaced as often. As Katie Hagen writes, the oil's extended fry life is more than twice that of traditional canola oil. This means that restaurants managers who decide to switch will be able to offer less waste oil for homebrewers.

    Save lives and steal freedom by regulating what people eat, help destroy the planet by making it harder for people to use recycled oil as fuel.....hhhmmmm....decisions decisions...