Anil Bartwal
Hello Dear, Thank You for providing the useful and important information, the writing sequence is so preety. Recently i am reading Mercury Retrograde 2017 Topic. this is very interesting and...
OMG you're still alive?
Nasty Natasha
Dear Sir: This is perhaps the most unintentionally hilarious sexist screed I have ever seen. The amount of time you spend here rambling on about your penis is proof positive that said organ is, in...
Lisa Taylor
Wow... this is crazy! I had actually considered taking my daughter (5) on a train ride just for the experience, but I'm glad that I read this "Buyer Beware" story first!! Hope you got your refund...
Kender: I have found that it is the personal pieces that hold the human interest because they are rooted in truth. You write very well, sir. Thank you for sharing that with me. Glenn.
Tim High
Very well written.
Kenders' Musings: An Open Letter to the Kos Kids, · 12 years ago
eddy smith
Makes ya realize you should have bought the house on the hill and a lift kit for the truck.
Really Thanks for this!
Wild Bill Kerr
Hey buddy, how you been? What you been up to? Love to get back in touch with you.
Those aren't my blogs, and you come leave lies in my comment section, on my blog, uninvited and unwelcome and I am stalking YOU?
· 3 posts
Lisa Taylor
· 1 post
· 1 post
· 1 post
Wild Bill Kerr
· 1 post
What I'm Raeding Today15 years ago
.11 years ago
Those Whom The Gods Wish To Destroy ...8 years ago
If You Don't Change Your RSS Feed...15 years ago
Ministry11 years ago
Lacuna5 years ago
Petition to Stop Judicial Tyranny19 years ago
tazmedic12 years ago
America's New Diet16 years ago
- hate crimes (1)
- illegal immigration (1)
- May 1st march (1)
- muzzies (1)
- poetry (59)
- pork (1)
- stupid (1)
Feel free to post comments, rants, or even personal attacks. It simply shows your wish for taunting if you do the latter.
You can say anything you want here. But if you get stupid I reserve the right to point it out, call you lots of inventive names and laugh like hell.
- Banning Trans Fats Hurts Bio Diesel Industry
- Islamic Group Vows to Attack Olympics
- We Should Make This A Flag
- Does Barack Obama Violate The Mythical Separation ...
- Too Many People Actually Believe This Way
- Stupidity, Insanity and Reality
- An Ode to the Boob
- Islam in a Nut Shell
- Moonbats On Parade
- Shuckin' and Jivin' through the election
- Obama Math
- Immigration Haikus
- Making Fun of Obama
- You Might Be A Taliban If....
- Barack Claims Law Enforcement is Terrorism, Vigila...
- One Million Names?
- I Demand....
- Racism Found in Food Choices
- There's A Fight A-Brewing Toby, an' It's Lookin' M...
- No, No...It's A Safety Issue and We'll Only Use Th...
- Chucky Schumer (Dumbass-NY) Screws the Pooch
- Be Careful What You Ask For
- The Energy Solution
- Predictions, Prognostications and Pessimistic Opti...
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
- RG in The Low Country!(Right)
- Mackers World(Right)
- Ric and Georgina at Release The Hounds!(Right)
- RN at Dead Republican Presidents!
(Right) - Kat, sometimes in pajamas!
- Madtom at ThisFuckingWar! (Right)
- Michael J. Totten sets things straight!(Right)
- Maxedoutmama is a research Goddess!(Right)
- Andrightlyso! smacks on idiots!(Right)
- Where's Your Brain?(Right)
- Warm'n'fuzzy conserva-puppies>(Right)
- Crymeariverbend2 has a gnarly truth stick!(Right)
- Jeffrey at IBC is HQ for Iraqi bloggings(Right)
- The Sandmonkey cuts through the APU!(Right)
- The Lone Ranger
A Man of Rare Integrity! (Right) - Out of the Ashes(Right)
- Tazmedic(Right) (Read the archives!)
- Amandarin(Right) (A clever friend from the other side of the street)
- Literal Lunacy
A Most Beloved Friend!
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
- Iraq the Model
- Ali returns!!!
- Raeds Place
(This is where I go when I want to piss off some insane "Unrealists". Thanks CMAR!) - Khalid Digging for Secrets!
- Kurdo's World
- Baghdad Burning
(The infamous, the mysterious, the mostly hysterical Riverbend!!!!)
Some people are just too damned stupid to be allowed to continue breathing but there they go continuing to breathe, talk and see insults that aren't there. Never mind the fact of costing the state more money to recall the offending plates, this is a person just looking for something to complain about, kinda' like me but lacking the common sense I possess.
Stupidity Redux;
The Insanity Police are at it again in Britain, where freedom and common sense once resided. Both of those qualities have left Britain for parts unknown as a man gets fined for smoking in his workplace. Which isn't really his workplace, it's his automobile. I should add he wasn't actually working at the time. He was driving home from work.
Yeah boy I sure would wanna move there.
The killing that went on in Darfur which in a perfect world we could go do something about right now is simply an extension of the insanity we are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. While I applaud our government's attempt to settle grievances through diplomacy and sanctions the plain truth of the matter is eventually we are going to have to seriously go to war with the muslims. When they have enough of a majority THIS is how they act.
The feminist movement has destroyed the standing of men in society. No surprise there. Honestly I stopped taking crap from women years ago. Get your own damned door you uppity bitch and pay for your own meal you friggin cow. Women today don't respect men. They expect men to bow before them and worship them. The problem is they don't do anything to make them worthy enough to bow to or worship. They talk down to men, expect men to answer to their beck and call and wait on them hand and foot all the while demanding that men treat them as equals.
Let me tell you something girls, we treat our friends as equals. If we treated you as an equal the same way we treat our friends we'd have to punch you in the mouth at least every other day. If our friends talked to us the way you talk to us you can bet your gossip hour at the body shop there'd be some ass kicking going on. By the way, for those unfamiliar the body shop is that place you gals hang out at to get rebuilt every week or so.
You wanna see what kind of women we have to deal with these days? Click on this. Poor John Cleese marries a woman who can, in the classic mold of today's hypersensitive uber bitch, take care of herself and when she files for divorce she demands half of what he has earned. What did she do to deserve that? Now a damned thing.
Let me tell you girls something. Us guys are tired of taking your crap. You want a job and to be treated as equals? Quit taking time off because you have friggin' cramps. If a man did that every month he'd be dragged to a doctors office by either his friends or told to go by his boss on threat of losing his job. Learn to stay at work when your precious snowflake is ill....hire a babysitter like a man would. And accept the fact that your pay is lower, on average, because on average you work in lower paying professions.
Get the hell over yourselves. Feminism ruined you and ruined what you had. You can't have it both ways. Continue on the path you are on and you are going to be stuck with whiny girly men that get manicures and discuss "product" and window treatments but can't change a damned tire or fix anything around the house that doesn't come out of an espresso machine.
Actually, never mind.
Keep on chasing the whiny boys and the metrosexuals. Us real men don't want you and our women would kick your ass for coming around anyway.