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    Warning Will Robinson!

    Feel free to post comments, rants, or even personal attacks. It simply shows your wish for taunting if you do the latter.

    You can say anything you want here. But if you get stupid I reserve the right to point it out, call you lots of inventive names and laugh like hell.

    Blog Archive
    Blogs I Like
    In no particular order):
    Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
    The Other Side Of The Street
    New York Liberals that aren't all that bad
    (for NY Libs)
    The name say it all
    (Pissed Liberals)
    Luna Kitten
    See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
    Iraqi Blogs
    101st Fighting Keyboardists
    The Wide Awakes
    You can see what Thomas looks like here. Apparently, Thomas is a sex offender.

    Here is my source for the pic, and that came from this page.
    Linked in the title is my favorite story of the preceding year.
    It highlights the idiocy of the (lack of) thought processes of the liberal mind.

    It is the story of St. James Davis, his wife Ladonna and a chimp named Moe.

    The links in the original story are, of course, long dead, but news never dies, it just gets archived.

    Short story of this is they had a chimp that got put in a chimp home, they went to visit and other chimps got loose and attacked them, and while he was being attacked he "was trying to reason with them," according to his wife, who went on to say druing an appearance on Good Morning America, "You can't discriminate. We don't know about [their] background or childhood."

    I want to point out that phrase. "You can't discriminate. We don't know about [their] background or childhood,".

    Did you get that? Maybe these chimps had "bad childhoods" and THAT is why they were attacking her husband.

    See? Now it all makes sense. Maybe if a wild animal attacks you and he suffered from a "bad childhood" you can TALK him out of trying to kill you.

    Their attorney, Gloria Allred had this tp say when asked if the Davis couple were done playing with large wild animals that could kill you; (from the original article)

    "But LaDonna Davis said she will keep loving chimpanzees, saying it is unfair to say all chimps are dangerous because of the actions of these two."

    Now is it me or is this the same kind of claptrap that I hear about radical islamic terrorists?

    Is this not the same line of reasoning we hear from the left constantly about "reasoning" with the animals that want to destroy us and saw our heads off in the name of allah (peas be upon him)?

    Is anyone else out there seeing a pattern? Does this not sound like the same kind of shiite that constantly spills from the mouths of the appeasers in europe and here?

    As I said, this is a sad story, and I do feel sorry for the man, but I can't help but think that maybe he made a bad choice, maybe trying to "reason" with an animal that goes on instinct will earn you the asskicking, or the mauling, or even the beheading that you deserve.

    So that is my personal favorite post of the year folks. It has all of the elements that perfectly illustrate the idiocy of the left, which is something we should continue to focus on, especially since 2006 is an midterm election year and if this country has any hope of surviving we must keep the appeasing socialist out of power and Protect and Defend all that has made this country great.

    Happy New Year.
    I am in L.A., so we get no snow on the ground here. Not so in Afghanistan, as we can see from
    this photograph, taken from inside
    the Pulacharke prison compound. The mountains, in particular, give a
    nice, Christmassy feel to the scene, as do the three or four inches of
    white stuff covering the ground.

    In fact, the only things that really spoil this vista are the
    watchtowers, the prison bars and the knowledge that, behind them, are
    three American patriots -- Special Forces soldier Jack Idema,
    his right-hand man, Brent
    , and journalist Ed Caraballo.

    Jack, Brent and Ed were originally sentenced to a decade in prison after
    a chaotic show trail in September 2004. Their judges were members of the
    Taliban regime who'd crept back into the new Afghan government. More
    worrying, perhaps, the bearded crazies were assisted by groups within
    the FBI and U.S. State Department, who disappeared evidence and
    collaborated with the men who tortured Jack, Brent and Ed. Since the
    trail, there have been numerous assassination attempts mounted against
    Idema and his men by the Taliban and al-Qaeda scumbags they are being
    held with.

    Most disturbing of all, however, is the fact that all three men were
    declared innocent after a retrial almost exactly a year ago. Now,
    granted, there are bound to be some differences between our legal
    systems and the one in Afghanistan, but we're pretty sure one thing they
    do have in common is the notion that locking up completely
    people isn't acceptable ...

    ... So why are Jack and his men still incarcerated? For
    answers, we need to look at the way the War On Terror is actually
    playing out in Afghanistan, and to understand the extent to which many
    of the players in the FBI and U.S. State Department have edged away from
    killing and capturing Islamofascists, and back toward policies of
    appeasement and (false) stability. This has meant, at least for the
    State Department and the Karzai government, that men like Jack Idema
    became something of an inconvenience, hunting, arresting and killing the
    very terrorists they were foolishly attempting to broker deals with. In
    an effort to push their flawed agendas, then, sections of the U.S.
    government have seen to it that Idema and his men stay behind bars.

    In essence, this means that Jack Idema is a political prisoner,
    who, bizarrely, is being held by America in order to
    prevent him hunting down and killing the very people who
    masterminded 9/11.

    And, yes, you really do need to read that, last sentence over
    several times in order for its full implications to sink in. Four years
    after that terrible, September day, instead of bringing the sword of
    justice to the bearded crazies responsible for 3000 murders, we're
    bringing injustice to the men whose mission it is to hunt down
    the bin Ladens of this world and make them pay for what they did.

    And, make no mistake, this is exactly what Jack Idema intends to do.
    Here he is, in an interview he gave a couple of months ago, laying down
    the principles upon which the WOT should be fought:

    Americans now are saying let's have this peace and
    appeasement and all of this -- listen. Remember about this? People
    forget about the fact that people were diving out windows on 9/11 to
    avoid being burned to death. This is a war. War is a war of attrition
    --that means you kill the enemy. You don't make peace with
    them, you don't make nice with them, you don't take 'em in for a steak
    dinner-you kill 'em. And believe me–these people deserve to die. They
    are the worst terrorists on the face of the earth. Look what they did on
    9/11 and that is only one small part of what they want to do to

    [You can hear the whole thing here.]

    In the meantime, and while the head-hackers tuck into those steak
    dinners courtesy of the State Department, Jack Idema and his men are
    subjected to the petty malice of U.S. Consul Adrienne Harchick. Adrienne
    (or 'Addie' to the friends she doesn't deserve to have) has denied Jack
    and his men access to clean drinking water, refused to allow them to
    send hand-made gifts to their families back home, and even went so far
    as to seize 21 Christmas packages sent to Jack, Brent and Ed via regular
    Afghan post. Adrienne's lame excuse for this, last, piece of spite was
    that Christmas gifts 'violate the Muslim religion'. (This, even though
    Jack's many Muslim friends in the Northern Alliance have offered to
    deliver the presents to him themselves.)

    But. This intolerable situation might, finally, be coming to an end.
    Last week, the Northern Alliance-backed Yunis Qanooni took the reigns of
    power in the Afghan Parliament, and, unlike the appeasing weasel Karzai,
    intends to prosecute the war against terrorists hard. We must also hope
    that Qanooni resolves to release Jack and his men so they can help in
    this endeavour.

    Because here's the thing: someone like Jack Idema is doing no good
    looking at the Afghan mountains through the bars of a prison
    cell. He needs to be in those mountains, finishing the fight
    al-Qaeda started with us back in September, 2001.

    Anyone wishing to join the Free Jack Idema Blogburst should email either
    or Rottweiler
    for details.

    You can also contact the following people:

    Secret US EMBASSY Fax: – 301-560-5729 (Local US Fax: Goes RIGHT TO

    c/o US Ambassador Ronald Neuman
    6180 Kabul Place
    Dulles, VA 20189-6180

    US Consul Russell Brown – 011-93-70201908 (Fired)

    US Consul Addie Harchik- 011-93-70201908 (denied them water and mail at

    US Embassy Translator Wahid – new – 011-93-70201902

    US Embassy Translator Bashir Momman– 011-93-70201923

    US Consul (friend of Jack's Now fired) Dawn Schrepel– 011-93-70201908

    Embassy of Afghanistan (Good guys, Northern Alliance)
    2341 Wyoming Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20008

    Ph: 202-483-6410, Fax: no. 202-483-6488


    Ambassador Massoud Khalili (wounded with Massoud)
    Islamic State of Afghanistan
    Embassy of Afghanistan

    New Delhi, India

    H.E. Said Tayeb JAWAD (Afghan Ambassador- powerful in US)

    Embassy of Afghanistan in Washington
    2341 Wyoming Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20008
    Tel: (+1-202) 483 6414
    Fax: (+1-202) 483 9523

    Mr. Jahed Hamrah, Consul General (pro-Taliban)


    360 Lexington Avenue,
    11th Floor New York,
    New, York, NY 10017
    Tel.: (+1-212) 972 2276 or 972 2277
    Fax: (+1-212) 972 9046

    Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld

    Secretary of Defense
    1000 Defense Pentagon – Room # 3E880
    Washington, DC 20301-1000

    Ph: (703) 692-7100

    Fax: (703) 697-9080

    Lt General William Boykin

    Deputy Undersecretary
    of Defense for Intelligence
    1800 Defense Pentagon – Room # 3E836
    Washington, DC 20301

    Ph: (703) 697-0170

    Private Fax: (703) 697-9080

    Stephen Cambone
    Principle Deputy Secretary for Intelligence
    1800 Defense Pentagon – Room # 3E
    Washington, DC 20310-0100

    General Peter J. Shoomaker

    Chief of Staff, Department of the Army
    200 Army Pentagon – Room # 3E528
    Washington, DC 20310-0200

    Ph: (703) 695-2077 / Fax: (703) 614-5268

    The Honorable John D. Negroponte

    Director National Intelligence
    New Executive Office Building
    725 17th Street, N.W., Room 4203
    Washington, DC 20503

    The Committee
    On Homeland Security
    U.S. House of Representatives
    Washington, DC 20515

    Chairman Peter Hoekstra
    Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
    H-405, U.S. Capitol
    Washington, DC 20515-6415;

    Office: (202) 225-4121 / Fax: (202) 225-1991
    Toll Free: (877) 858-9040

    M. Cherif BASSIOUNI

    Independent Expert of the Commission on Human Rights
    On the Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan
    Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    CH-1211 Geneva 10

    Ph: +41(0)22 917 97 27 Fax: +41(0)22 917 90 18


    Senator Steven Saland (Jack's Rep and Neighbor)
    9 Jonathan Lane
    Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

    Senator Elizabeth Dole (Jack's Rep)
    United States Senate
    310 New Bern Avenue, Suite 122
    Raleigh, NC 27601
    Ph: 919.856.4630

    Fax: 919.856.4053

    Senator Elizabeth Dole (Jack's Rep)
    United States Senate
    555 Dirksen Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    Ph: 202.224.6342

    Fax: 202.224.1100

    Senator Richard Burr (of Interest)
    United States Senate
    217 Russell Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    Phone: (202) 224-3154 / Fax: (202) 228-2981

    Senator Bill Nelson (in the fight on Jack's Side)
    United States Senate
    Hart Senate Office Building
    Room 716
    Washington, DC 20510
    Phone: 202-224-5274 / Fax: 202-228-2183

    FL Fax 407-872-7165

    Senator Dianne Feinstein (Bennett's Representative)
    United States Senate
    Hart Office Building, Room 331
    Washington, D.C. 20510
    (202) 224-3841

    Representative Mike McIntyre (Jack's Representative)
    United States Congress
    2437 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515

    Phone: (202) 225-2731 / Fax (202) 225-5773

    Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (reference Captain Bennett- CA citizen)
    State Capitol Building
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    Phone: 916-445-2841 / Fax: 916-445-4633

    Finally, PLEASE NOTE: The SuperPatriots and Jack images on
    this site are used with WRITTEN COPYRIGHT PERMISSION and any use by any
    third party is subject to legal action by SuperPatriots.US

    Technorati Search
    for Jack Idema
    Crossposted from Stop The ACLU

    One of our contributors, Craig McCarthy, set up a petition to stop taxpayer funding of the ACLU, quite a while ago. We are trying to help Craig reach at least 25,000 signatures. We are not that far away.

    Just two days ago, I put up as one of Stop The ACLU's best posts of 2005, my interview with former ACLU lawyer, mr. Reese Lloyd. I had no idea it would be such great timing.

    Mr. Reese strkes again in a podcast with Congressman Hostettler.

    Rees Lloyd made the comments in an online podcast hosted by Rep. John Hostettler, R-Ind., in which the two discuss the congressman's legislation, the Public Expression of Religion Act, or PERA (H.R.2679). The bill would prohibit judges in civil suits involving the First Amendment's Establishment Clause from awarding attorney's fees to those offended by religious symbols or actions in the public square – such as a Ten Commandments display in a courthouse or a cross on a county seal.

    Lloyd, a California civil-rights attorney, is an officer with the American Legion who wrote a resolution passed by the national organization supporting Hostettler's bill.

    As WorldNetDaily reported, Hostettler's proposal would amend the Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Act of 1976, 42 U.S.C. Section 1988, to prohibit prevailing parties from being awarded attorney's fee in religious establishment cases, but not in other civil rights filings. This would prevent local governments from having to use taxpayer funds to pay the ACLU or similar organization when a case is lost, and also would protect elected officials from having to pay fees from their own pockets.

    Hostettler says some organizations have created a new civil liberty – a right to be protected "from religion, which is found nowhere in the Constitution, nowhere in the Bill of Rights." The Indiana congressman blames "a very select group" for "perverting" the original statute, including the ACLU, People for the American Way and Americans United for the Separate of Church and State.

    "They use this statute to extort behavior out of individuals," the congressman said, citing the Indiana Civil Liberties Union threatening local educators. The group sent a letter to officials saying they would be sued and be forced to pay attorney's fees should any graduation prayers be offered at commencement ceremonies. The threat sent the message, Hostettler said, that individuals tied to school districts could be impoverished personally.

    Said the lawmaker: "When officials see the potential threat of a lawsuit, they stop allowing children to write papers for English class – when they're asked to write about the most important person in their life and they decide to write about Jesus Christ."

    Hostettler's bill would allow cases to move through the courts without public officials worrying about being held personally liable for thousands in attorneys fees.

    "Let's let these cases go forward; let's let the courts decide what's constitutional and what's not, and let's not leave it up to the ACLU," he said.

    Hostettler explained that while government entities can pay attorney's fees charged to individual elected officials, they don't legally have to, which puts the politicians on the hook.

    Saying most taxpayers are in favor of allowing public religious expression, the congressman noted the irony of those same taxpayers being forced to pay the ACLU to sue their local governments.

    "The current threat to public officials is very real; it's ongoing," Hostettler stated. "It's been the case for several years that public officials are scared to death to suggest any type of public recognition of our Christian roots. It's a problem that needs to be addressed in Washington, D.C."

    PERA would prohibit damages, court fees and attorney's fees from going to plaintiffs in establishment-clause suits while keeping the original purpose of the civil-rights law, Hstettler says, to provide a means for those whose religious liberties have been blocked to find justice.

    The congressman wonders why the ACLU would oppose his legislation since it still provides for "injunctive relief" – e.g., a court can rule in the ACLU's favor and force the removal of a Ten Commandments display – but takes out the monetary incentive for lawsuits.

    "If they're not out for the money but are really out to preserve our civil liberties … then the ACLU should not be opposing my bill," Hostettler commented.

    In the podcast, Lloyd decried the "terrorizing litigation tactics of the ACLU."

    Said Lloyd: "Not only can the ACLU brings these suits and compel taxpayers to pay them to destroy the public display of our American history and heritage, but so can Islamist terrorists or Islamist sympathizers in our midst.

    "All they have to do is walk into court, make their claim that they're offended by the sight of a cross or other religious symbol, and they're going to win the case because judges follow one another under stare decisis," or deference to precedent.

    The judges would then order that fees be paid to the Islamists, Lloyd contends.

    Lloyd said this issue came into focus for him when he witnessed the fight in San Diego, Calif., over a cross on a veterans' memorial on public land in the Mohave Desert.

    "For me, that was the one step taken too far," Lloyd said. "Now, for the first time, the ACLU was attacking the very veterans who secured their freedom."

    A civil-rights activist since the '60s, Lloyd worked with the ACLU in the '70s and was "very supportive" of the 1976 Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Act because it was a "noble attempt to assure that people who had legitimate civil-rights violations and injuries could secure legal representation."

    Stated Lloyd: "The ACLU has perverted, distorted and exploited the Civil Rights Act … to turn it into a lawyer-enrichment act."

    Lloyd says the American people are "oblivious" to how many millions of dollars in taxpayer funds are going to the ACLU each year.

    The attorney pointed out many attorneys in cases brought by the ACLU are volunteers, so the fees the group is awarded normally do not go to reimburse an attorney but rather directly into the organization's coffers.

    Hostettler's bill, which was introduced first in 2003 without success, currently has 35 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives and sits in the House Committee on the Judiciary.

    The Center For Reclaiming America claims that they have over 100,000 signatures backing this bill. Honestly, I don't know what they are waiting on. If we can up our petiton from 19,000 to 25,000, I will personally take the signatures to Congressman Hostettler myself....I promise you. I only live two hours from D.C.

    SIGN OUR PETITON TO STOP TAXPAYER FUNDING OF THE ACLU ....and spread the word as far and wide on this petition as you can!

    To all of you out there following this story, go see
    Cao's, (pronounced "key") for all the updates and to see who all is covering the TRUE side of this story.

    Apparently there is quite a hardy but idiotic contingent of asswipes that insist on spreading lies about Jack and this story, going so far as to post supposed "intel" about Cao. So far, they are either so busy putting out false info about Jack and Cao to "bother" with some of the other bloggers out there spreading the truth about this story or they just don't have the supposed chops to actually find people through the web so they are trying not to make fools of themselves even further by posting false info on us other bloggers.

    I have been awaiting my "outing", but realize that I may not be posting on this story enough to have gotten the attention of the idiots at flogging the simian, Katheryn Cramers blog, or the jackass liars at stuporpatriots.

    So here it is.

    To you idiots at stuporpatriots, you can suck my couldn't find your mothers gaping whorehole with a squad of navigators and a string of signs pointing the way, so I have no worries about you "finding" me.

    Kathryn Cramer, cretinous ho-bag author of second rate sci-fi, let's see if you can use "google earth" to map out where I am.....yeah, right.

    And finally, to the monotonous beggar from flogging the simian, you have a better chance of finding a job with your limited visa in between "writing" and "flogging your simian" than you have of finding and posting info on me......

    All three of ya', have at it. Let's see how many "Kenders" you can find and post about.
    Go read the parable called "This Amazing Gift" by my friend Michael Cross at Out of the Ashes.
    In a new feature here at Kenders' we will be highlighting Liberal Hypocrisy and Idiocy.

    This should be an ongoing and often updated feature, as there is no end to the idiocy and hypocrisy of liberals in America.

    Valerie Plame gets "outed" and people call for heads to roll. Problem: No crime committed as she was NOT undercover outside of the country within the last five years, and the law clearly states that is the criteria for prosecution.

    Secret programs detailing tactics in the Global War on Terror are published in the NY Times, not to mention lied about in the NY Times, (American CITIZENS have not been targeted under this order and there is no proof they were) and not one talking head or pundit on the left has said one word about an investigation into this "leak".

    Why? Because an investigation into this "leak" wouldn't hurt the Bush administration. Never mind that the leak had to have come from someone IN the intel community, (and forgetting that a war on GW has apparently been waged by a cabal in the intel community), and that the particular someone obviously has broken a vow about secrecy and protecting and defending the U.S from enemies. These things don't matter to the liberal minds that print the news and talk on TV......the only thing that matters is destroying Bush.

    Hypocrites and Idiots.
    India defends nuclear deal with US - Yahoo! News

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - India on Wednesday defended a controversial new civilian nuclear cooperation deal with the United States and rejected demands by American critics that New Delhi accept curbs on its atomic weapons program. [snip]

    Saran, who later met Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, said a fissile material cutoff halting India's production of bomb-grade nuclear fuel, and other changes suggested by nonproliferation advocates, would be "deal-breakers."

    The agreement, which must be approved by the U.S. Congress, would give India access to nuclear technology, including fuel and reactors, that it has been denied for 25 years.

    Experts fear that as the deal is now written, India would acquire nuclear fuel from the United States for civilian use, thus freeing up its own stocks for more weapons.

    Carnegie experts say India has enough weapons-grade plutonium for 75 to 110 nuclear bombs.

    For more than two decades, Washington led the fight to deny India access to nuclear technology because it rejected the nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and developed nuclear weapons.

    But President George W. Bush, aiming to build an alliance with the world's largest democracy, reversed that approach.

    Read this in conjunction with my original piece on Russia-Iran Matrix.

    This is us clearly understanding that Iraq is going to go nuclear, that Russia is going to be the one that builds it and gives them the fuel (probably the technology for nukes as well) and that we need to have an ally and counter part in the area strong enough to offset both Pakistani and Iranian nuke power.

    Did you really think the Cold War was over?

    Cross posted at Kat-Middleground
    Spain Seizes 15 Linked to Al Qaeda in Iraq - New York Times

    MADRID, Dec. 19 - The Spanish police arrested 15 people on Monday on charges that they had formed a recruiting network linked to Al Qaeda that sent Islamic militants to Iraq, the Interior Ministry said.

    The ministry said one man, a 25-year-old Iraqi identified as Abu Sufian, had close ties to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who is the American forces' most-wanted man in Iraq.[snip]

    He said there was no evidence the group was planning to carry out an attack in Spain. But he said the group had materials to make explosives and was clearly capable of an attack.

    Is it me, or does this sound like a serious case of denial considering Spain pulled their troops out of Iraq after just such an attack hoping it would spare them future pain? Don't these folks get it yet? They are "Al-Andalus".

    One of the men, a Belarussian identified as Sergei Malyschew, also known as Amin al-Ansari, is considered an expert in chemical weapons, the ministry said.

    A 36-year-old Ghanaian identified as Muhammad G. appears to have helped Africans travel to the United States under false identities, but it is not clear if they had any ties to terrorist groups, ministry officials said.

    Yeah, right.

    This is why I am a) amazed at all the hoopla about the NSA "spying" on "American citizens" and b) that anyone thinks that people who discuss possible terrorism inside our borders is a "fear mongerer".

    I also should mention Sergei Malyschew the chemical weapons expert. Obviously a Chechen related member of AQ and a reminder of how AQ operates. Since bomb makers and good operations planners are limited resources, these folks usually travel to a location, train the individuals and then disappear to their next location to set up a new cell. Secondly, the bomb and chemical weapons makers often hold "roving classes" since they no longer have a static location in Afghanistan in which to train.

    My guess is that this is the "fly in, set up a group, train and fly out" situation for al-Ansari. Muhammad is a "facilitator". These men don't necessarily "recruit", but people who want to join the jihad, self-identify, ask around for directions to an appropriate person to ask, get vetted by outside members who only know Muhammad and then send the men on their way or recommend contact by Muhammad.

    This is probably all occuring around a few specific mosques and it is highly likely that this is an "open secret" among the attendents. Which may be one of the reasons the Spanish are able to round these folks up, though it's just as likely that the tip came from captured jihadists in Iraq who gave up the information. Or, it could be that we have the "Africans" in the United States under surveillance and we tracked down a call from here to Spain (through that nasty NSA thing, invading our rights, etc), though I len towards the captured jihadist in Iraq.

    It would be too much to hope that somebody has figured out how to infiltrate these groups.
    For more info go see Cao's

    Things are heating up, folks.

    Parliament sat this week in Afghanistan for the first time in history, and Rabanni held a press conference (much to the American government's dismay) and said he is standing down and throwing his support behind Yanus Qanooni. Qanooni, in case you don't know, is the sweet quiet new head of Parliament that the Americans were trying to throw over by throwing lavish amounts of money at Rabanni. It didn't work. Qanooni is a good friend of Jack's, so it should be interesting to see how this all plays out.

    All of this means great things for our friends who are still being held at Pulacharke, even though VP Cheney visited Afghanistan and for the first time in months, electricity was turned on. For one day. And right after Cheney left, it was turned back off again.

    Contrary to what the Smear Jack Cabal has to say about it, while the electricity was on, they were able to use their computers. I'm sure it pains the Smear Jack Cabal to know that none of their allegations are true. And contrary to what the Smear Jack Cabal has to say about it, they still enjoy their wonderful accommodations, thanks to the Northern Alliance.

    The hundreds of visitors per day that Jack has been receiving from Parliament and Generals in the UFMF has subsided because the new government has a tremendous undertaking ahead...they need to elect their new leaders, and the power that Karzai has been using against them is further slipping away.

    As a result of the good news about Parliament sitting, electing their new representatives, and Karzai's power being quelled as a result, we also feel confident that Jack and his men will soon be released from Pulacharke--it is only a matter of time. With the winds of change in the air, the Northern Alliance still being derided by Carlotta Gall and other clueless American journalists as "warlords" who are guilty of human rights violations (and the Taliban and Al Qaeda are not?)-it is time to smile, and soon we will be celebrating the news of Jack, Brent and Ed's release.

    Most importantly, we should be celebrating the fact that--in spite of our government's manipulation and playing into the hands of the terrorists, the people have spoken and the Northern Alliance has the majority of seats. The Northern Alliance is clearly in control, so...we shall see what forces win in the end. And it doesn't appear to me as though at this moment, it's going to be the Taliban/Pashtuns of the country.

    We should still continue to raise hell with our representatives, however, because their heightened awareness to what this can do to the Bush administration and the war on terror is also a key to this entire situation. The fact that the western journalists have twisted the news coming out of Afghanistan should be no surprise, but the shame of it is--they've completely ignored the biggest story of the war on terror to date; Jack Idema, his Taliban trial conviction and the US Government's complicity in his torture at Sederat and later hisimprisonment along with Brent Bennett and Ed Caraballo AFTER THEY WERE DECLARED INNOCENT IN A SECOND TRIAL.

    Contact your representatives and ask them why Idema, Bennett and Caraballo are STILL being held at Pulacharke when they were all declared innocent by the Afghans since at least December of last year.

    Secret US EMBASSY Fax: – 301-560-5729 (Local US Fax: Goes RIGHT TO Ambassador)

    c/o US Ambassador Ronald Neuman
    6180 Kabul Place
    Dulles, VA 20189-6180

    US Consul Russell Brown – 011-93-70201908 (Fired)

    US Consul Addie Harchik- 011-93-70201908 (denied them water and mail at Thanksgiving)

    US Embassy Translator Wahid – new – 011-93-70201902

    US Embassy Translator Bashir Momman– 011-93-70201923

    US Consul (friend of Jack's Now fired) Dawn Schrepel– 011-93-70201908

    Embassy of Afghanistan (Good guys, Northern Alliance)
    2341 Wyoming Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20008

    Ph: 202-483-6410, Fax: no. 202-483-6488


    Ambassador Massoud Khalili (wounded with Massoud)
    Islamic State of Afghanistan
    Embassy of Afghanistan

    New Delhi, India

    H.E. Said Tayeb JAWAD (Afghan Ambassador- powerful in US)

    Embassy of Afghanistan in Washington
    2341 Wyoming Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20008
    Tel: (+1-202) 483 6414
    Fax: (+1-202) 483 9523

    Mr. Jahed Hamrah, Consul General (pro-Taliban)


    360 Lexington Avenue,
    11th Floor New York,
    New, York, NY 10017
    Tel.: (+1-212) 972 2276 or 972 2277
    Fax: (+1-212) 972 9046

    Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld

    Secretary of Defense
    1000 Defense Pentagon – Room # 3E880
    Washington, DC 20301-1000

    Ph: (703) 692-7100

    Fax: (703) 697-9080

    Lt General William Boykin

    Deputy Undersecretary
    of Defense for Intelligence
    1800 Defense Pentagon – Room # 3E836
    Washington, DC 20301

    Ph: (703) 697-0170

    Private Fax: (703) 697-9080

    Stephen Cambone
    Principle Deputy Secretary for Intelligence
    1800 Defense Pentagon – Room # 3E
    Washington, DC 20310-0100

    General Peter J. Shoomaker

    Chief of Staff, Department of the Army
    200 Army Pentagon – Room # 3E528
    Washington, DC 20310-0200

    Ph: (703) 695-2077 / Fax: (703) 614-5268

    The Honorable John D. Negroponte

    Director National Intelligence
    New Executive Office Building
    725 17th Street, N.W., Room 4203
    Washington, DC 20503

    The Committee
    On Homeland Security
    U.S. House of Representatives
    Washington, DC 20515

    Chairman Peter Hoekstra
    Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
    H-405, U.S. Capitol
    Washington, DC 20515-6415;

    Office: (202) 225-4121 / Fax: (202) 225-1991
    Toll Free: (877) 858-9040

    M. Cherif BASSIOUNI

    Independent Expert of the Commission on Human Rights
    On the Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan
    Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    CH-1211 Geneva 10

    Ph: +41(0)22 917 97 27 Fax: +41(0)22 917 90 18


    Senator Steven Saland (Jack's Rep and Neighbor)
    9 Jonathan Lane
    Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

    Senator Elizabeth Dole (Jack's Rep)
    United States Senate
    310 New Bern Avenue, Suite 122
    Raleigh, NC 27601
    Ph: 919.856.4630

    Fax: 919.856.4053

    Senator Elizabeth Dole (Jack's Rep)
    United States Senate
    555 Dirksen Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    Ph: 202.224.6342

    Fax: 202.224.1100

    Senator Richard Burr (of Interest)
    United States Senate
    217 Russell Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    Phone: (202) 224-3154 / Fax: (202) 228-2981

    Senator Bill Nelson (in the fight on Jack's Side)
    United States Senate
    Hart Senate Office Building
    Room 716
    Washington, DC 20510
    Phone: 202-224-5274 / Fax: 202-228-2183

    FL Fax 407-872-7165

    Senator Dianne Feinstein (Bennett's Representative)
    United States Senate
    Hart Office Building, Room 331
    Washington, D.C. 20510
    (202) 224-3841

    Representative Mike McIntyre (Jack's Representative)
    United States Congress
    2437 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515

    Phone: (202) 225-2731 / Fax (202) 225-5773

    Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (reference Captain Bennett- CA citizen)
    State Capitol Building
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    Phone: 916-445-2841 / Fax: 916-445-4633
    Would this headline have read differently had the recount been to keep a win in the Democrats column?

    RICHMOND, Va. (AP) A statewide recount Wednesday failed to overturn Republican Bob McDonnell's narrow victory in the Virginia attorney general's race.

    Perhaps it would have read;

    A statewide recount affirms Sen. R. Creigh Deeds (D), as Virginias new AG.

    See? If it is a republican it fails to overturn....if it is a democrat it would affirm a victory....tell me that is not how it would be spun.
    Why most of us are not shocked.

    Approved by congress?

    Now, are you really shocked?

    Okay...whose crazy, wacked idea was this?

    An Iraqi lawyer said the 24 or 25 officials from Saddam's government were released from jail without charges, and some have already left the country.

    "The release was an American-Iraqi decision and in line with an Iraqi government ruling made in December 2004, but hasn't been enforced until after the elections in an attempt to ease the political pressure in Iraq," said the lawyer, Badee Izzat Aref.

    Among them were Rihab Taha, a British-educated biological weapons expert, who was known as "Dr. Germ" for her role in making bio-weapons in the 1980s, and Huda Salih Mahdi Ammash, known as "Mrs. Anthrax," a former top Baath Party official and biotech researcher, Aref said.

    "Because of security reasons, some of them want to leave the country," he said. He declined to elaborate, but noted "some have already left Iraq today."

    Lt. Col. Barry Johnson, a U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad, would say only that eight individuals formerly designated as high-value detainees were released Saturday after a board process found they were no longer a security threat and no charges would be filed against them.

    Neither the U.S. military or Iraqi officials would disclose any of the names, but a legal official in Baghdad said Taha and Ammash were among those released.

    There better have been some deal made about how and where the WMD is or was because I think I'm about to be extremely angry.
    From Dispatches from the Culture Wars comes an interesting observation regarding the "War on Christmas", questioning if such a war exists or if another event is taking place. The other event being that "social conservatives have learned the power of victimhood."

    There is an old saying that goes "just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you". The claim that "there is no 'War on Christmas', you are simply playing at being a victim" falls into the same category.

    Whether you believe there is a "War on Christmas" or not is immaterial to this one fact;

    If the Right has taken a wellworn page from the Left's playbook and started a "Christian Victims of Secularist Plots" group that will, if the typical victimized subgroup plan is followed, start demanding "protection" and special advantages under the law then the left get what they deserve.

    Never use a weapon you aren't willing to have used against you.

    So if there is no "War on Christmas", conferring a false victimhood on Christians will eventually get them, and Christmas, "protected" status under the law, (sorta' like a religious affirmative action), and if there is a "War on Christmas" the same outcome is very likely.

    How pissy is the left going to be when they realize that they already lost this one?
    Crossposted from Stop The ACLU


    WASHINGTON - The American Civil Liberties Union today expressed disappointment with the failure of the House to protect the liberty and freedom of innocent Americans when that body adopted flawed legislation to reauthorize the Patriot Act. The White House and its allies had placed enormous pressure on lawmakers to adopt the proposal that now heads to the Senate.

    The ACLU noted that the conference report fails to require individualized suspicion before people's financial, medical or library records can be gathered by the FBI, as unanimously adopted by the Senate.ACLU Website

    This is nothing more than feeding unnecessary paranoia for those who live in a state of Orwellian fear. First of all, I can’t understand why people are so afraid of someone seeing their library records. If it's a public library, it's a public record. That includes any library that accepts public funding, which means virtually all college and high school libraries as well. There is a check and balance involved, because before someone’s records can be obtained only after being approved by a federal judge. It would be a total waste of time for the FBI to care what someone is looking at in a Library, unless some other act of theirs puts up a flag that an investigation should be warranted. The ACLU are using scare tactics, creating the fear of Big Brother invading the libraries, when in fact investigators in ordinary criminal cases have been able to gain access to library records long before 9/11. The Feds already had these tools for cases in domestic criminal activities, the Patriot Act only extends these tools to investigators to use against terrorists.

    Alberto Gonzales writes in the Washinton Post
    Those who voice concern that Congress is rushing to reauthorize the expiring provisions fail to recognize the oversight it has conducted. In 2005, Congress held 23 hearings focused on reauthorization and heard from more than 60 witnesses. The Justice Department was pleased to provide witnesses at 18 of those hearings, with more than 30 appearances by our experts. I testified three times, explaining the importance of the act, responding to concerns and directly addressing the act's critics. My testimony was informed not only by the successes of the act but also by my personal meetings with representatives from groups such as the ACLU and the American Library Association. During the reauthorization discussion, I asked that certain provisions be clarified to ensure the protection of civil liberties, and Congress responded.

    For example, Section 215 of the act permits the government to obtain records on an order issued by a federal judge. I agreed that the statute should allow a recipient of such an order to consult a lawyer and challenge it in court. Further, I agreed that Congress should make explicit the standard under which such orders are issued: relevance to an authorized national security investigation. In 2001 one prominent Democratic senator agreed that the "FBI has made a clear case that a relevance standard is appropriate for counterintelligence and counterterrorism investigations, as well as for criminal investigations."

    The president has said that our number-one priority is preventing another catastrophic terrorist attack. Congress must act immediately and reauthorize the Patriot Act before the men and women in law enforcement lose the tools they need to keep us safe.

    It isn't suprising that the ACLU would be against this, after all we are talking about an organization that thinks Gitmo detainees have the right to remain silent when interrogated. However, for the ACLU to pretend they care about people's privacy is a joke. The ACLU have been against the Patriot Act since it was first introduced. There have been no verified civil liberties abuses in the four years of the act's existence. Where privacy matters are concerned, the ACLU's record is much more tainted.

    Just last year, the ACLU came under fire over privacy concerns.

    The American Civil Liberties Union is using sophisticated technology to collect a wide variety of information about its members and donors in a fund-raising effort that has ignited a bitter debate over its leaders' commitment to privacy rights.

    Some board members say the extensive data collection makes a mockery of the organization's frequent criticism of banks, corporations and government agencies for their practice of accumulating data on people for marketing and other purposes.

    Daniel S. Lowman, vice president for analytical services at Grenzebach Glier & Associates, the data firm hired by the A.C.L.U., said the software the organization is using, Prospect Explorer, combs a broad range of publicly available data to compile a file with information like an individual's wealth, holdings in public corporations, other assets and philanthropic interests.

    The issue has attracted the attention of the New York attorney general, who is looking into whether the group violated its promises to protect the privacy of its donors and members.

    "It is part of the A.C.L.U.'s mandate, part of its mission, to protect consumer privacy," said Wendy Kaminer, a writer and A.C.L.U. board member. "It goes against A.C.L.U. values to engage in data-mining on people without informing them. It's not illegal, but it is a violation of our values. It is hypocrisy."

    The organization has been shaken by infighting since May, when the board learned that Anthony D. Romero, its executive director, had registered the A.C.L.U. for a federal charity drive that required it to certify that it would not knowingly employ people whose names were on government terrorism watch lists.

    A day after The New York Times disclosed its participation in late July, the organization withdrew from the charity drive and has since filed a lawsuit with other charities to contest the watch list requirement.

    The group's new data collection practices were implemented without the board's approval or knowledge, and were in violation of the A.C.L.U.'s privacy policy at the time, said Michael Meyers, vice president of the organization and a frequent and strident internal critic. Mr. Meyers said he learned about the new research by accident Nov. 7 in a meeting of the committee that is organizing the group's Biennial Conference in July.

    He objected to the practices, and the next day, the privacy policy on the group's Web site was changed. "They took out all the language that would show that they were violating their own policy," he said. "In doing so, they sanctified their procedure while still keeping it secret."

    The ACLU has no room to talk. They need to sit down and shut up. The Patriot Act is a vital tool for law enforcement to keep us safe. The Senate does not need to let this important legislation expire.

    This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already onboard.
    ...I am not in a particularly generous nor caring mood, and will randomly delete trackbacks and comments from those of you that get under my skin.

    The caveat here is that blog buds, (TWA, STACLU and SPR) and the respected old guard trolls will be kept around.

    To the new breed that have sprouted up and have no coherent arguments may you suffer greatly inflamed bits in your nether regions.
    Christmas is just around the corner, and the brilliance that flows from The Nose On Your Face inspired me to wander back in the archives and repost some great toy ideas from earlier this year.

    In honor of the Liberation of Iraq, and to pay homage to those that have died, Mattel announced today that a new line of action figures will be released by spring.

    First to be released will be the repackaged "French Revolution doll renamed "Kidnapped ING Al Ken Awabi". He will come with a grainy video of him pleading for his life and has his hands bound permanantly behind his back. He can be beheaded repeatedly, just like every other action figure made in the 70's. (Insurgent Scum sold separately)

    Second to be released is actually an old design from the Clinton era. Named the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell GI Joe", he is equipped with full battle gear and tight jeans and a tank top for those "nights on the town". Included in this set is his "friend" Ramon. They come packed together. Use the enclosed decals to transform the box into an apartment for Joe and Ramon to share. (Fag Hag Barbie not included)

    Third, is the new "Insurgent Scum" action figure. It comes in two versions. Religious Zealot, which does not explode, and Brainwashed Recruit, which does. Both come with black hoods, weapons stolen from GI Joe and pocket sized Koran. Brainwashed Recruit also comes with a Plastic Key To Heaven and an IOU good for 70 virgins.
    Those that adhere to socialist ideals are thieves of Freedom and Self Determination. Lazy cowards that fear failure and believe in the inherent goodness of everything, they refuse to see true evil and strive to anger none through policies of PC ideals of appeasement.

    I despise socialists.
    What a useless fake-ass fucker this piece of garbage is huh?

    "Residing like God over life and death of a man....he's not fit to lick the boots off," Ward Churchill told the crowd of protestors.

    He can go lick a goats ass.
    Way back when he said he would sign hi sform 180 and release it so that the American people could see his military record/

    He still hasn't.

    John Kerry is a LIAR!!!!

    Go see Cao for more in depth info.
    Rick Moran over at RightWingNutHouse, one of my daily reads, has the 25th Edition of The Carnival of the Clueless up.

    Nobody is safe there at Rick's, a it should be. I lean right in my writings, (duh), but will skewer clueless people of any stripe when needed, it's just that I see much more on the left that I disagree with than I do on the right.

    Anyway, go check out the Carnival, cruise the links. You won't be disappointed.
    Amendment I
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, but we will sue like hell everytime we feel that Christianity is daring to show its' ugly, exclusionary and morally indignant head. Further, we shall demand that tax payers cover our court costs.

    A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed, but we don't really care and won't defend this amendment one bit, however we swear to work towards giving the criminals that prey on law abiding citizens more consideration.

    Amendment III
    The death penalty shall not be enacted upon those born and legally convicted of a crime. The unborn and citizens being preyed upon by criminals deserve less consideration than the victims of our uncaring Republican controlled world.

    Amendment IV
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized, no matter what circumstances may arise, and this applies especially to people that the government believes may be acting against the safety and security of these United States and its' citizens. This really, REALLY applies in the case of people suspected of trafficking in child porn or acting in support of "terrorist" organizations.

    Amendment V
    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation, unless that person is George W. Bush, then he shall be tried for War Crimes in the public arena using false information. Further, this Amendment shall extend to any person on the whole of the Earth that wishes to accuse the Bush Administration of any number of wild allegations such as claiming to have been captured by the CIA and held in Afghanistan.

    Amendment VI
    In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense,especially when we can use the trial for publicity. Further, people convicted should not only retain the ability to cast votes in elections, but should also be afforded those things which honest citizens must work hard to pay for, such as cable television and workout equipment.

    Amendment VII
    Child Porn, while being a heinous crime, should be, once created, a protected form of free speech, and should not be used as evidence.

    Amendment VIII
    Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted, unless such fines are levied upon rich corporations that have been sued by our ideological bretheren in the militant enviromental movement. Cruel and unusual punishments include no cable TV, being forced to sleep on a floor, and being deprived of pornographic material.

    Amendment IX
    The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people, unless those "rights" need to have a new definition placed upon them due to changing social mores, chief among them being the Right to Not be Offended, ever.

    Amendment X
    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people, unless we feel it imperative to override the states right to choose and take an issue to the Supreme Court of The United States, thereby making a states right into a federal decree. In fact, the rights of the state are of little concern to us, as we believe that achieving our goals through judical activism is the only way we will ever get our purely seditous agenda enacted in this country.

    There ya' have it. Any suggestions?
    (this is an edited repost)

    Current events dictate that I repost this with added info. This was written while the world watched the fight rage over Terri Schiavo, and the euthanasia and eugenics arguments were flying fast and heavy. The new info is that my latest transplant is slowly failing, and a return to dialysis is in the works. But this has always been a possibility, and there is no warranty on used parts. I think I received this latest kidney from a liberal. It has worked for three and a half years and is now wanting to retire. Hopefully it isn't trying to unionize the rest of my organs.


    You may be asking yourself about that title.

    My goal here is to explain why I am so personally AGAINST euthanasia, eugenics and health care "rationing".

    If these things had been standard procedure when I was very young I would be dead.

    You see, I was born with a very small birth defect. In the bottom of your bladder is a small flap that drops down to allow urination. My flap didn't drop down, it opened up, like a trap door in a floor.

    By the time I was two and a half the constant backflow of urine had extended my ureters and caused hydronephrosis in my left kidney and destroyed my right kidney. When I wouldn't quit crying I was taken to emergency at childrens hospital in L.A. Rushed into the OR for exploratory surgery, the damage was found, the right kidney removed and as much repair work done as possible. I was in there for 12 hours.

    When they wheeled me out I was, in my grandfathers words, "battleship gray", and the doctors tried to sedate my mother before they told her their prognosis.

    Their prognosis was I would live a week, at most, and they gave her a card for a funeral home down the street from the hospital. Many months later the Doctors said I would need dialysis by the time I was seven, and if I didn't recieve a transplaant by the time I was 14 I would die.

    I went on dialysis in my twenties.

    I have had countless surgeries, mostly standard procedures every two years growing up as the scar tissue in my bladder needed cleaning out. That is how I know I stopped growing around 12 years old. I haven't needed that procedure since.

    Side effects have caused me to have surgeries on both of my legs, (dome osteotomy of the lower extremities), my parathyroid taken out and a small piece implanted in my arm, a fistula for dialysis in my left arm, and two transplants.

    Mothers day weekend this year is the three year anniversary for the current kidney.

    All through this I have never taken what a doctor said about my prognosis or abilities as boundries or what would happen. I took it as what they THOUGHT may happen and as a challenge to prove them wrong.

    Until I was six I had a nephrostomy tube in my side with a bag for urine output slung over my shoulder. I had the constant refrain during those years of "Be Careful" and "GET OUT OF THAT TREE!!!!!" and "You can't do that".

    They were wrong. I could, and I did.

    I have lived a great life so far, and have such fulfillment as to be almost unfair.
    I have a huge group of wonderful friends.
    A great son.
    I am a great horseman, and the only thing I cannot do with a horse is surgery and slap shoes on them, and I am learning the latter.
    I have seen history made, sometimes right in front of me.
    I lived to see the Berlin Wall fall and the Soviet union collapse.
    I cried when Challenger went down, and cheered when Baghdad fell.
    I have seen the sunrise over the spires of Churchill Downs, and sink into the ocean from Del Mar.
    I have known tragedy and heartbreak, love and contentment and everything in between.
    I have watched friends die and my son be born.
    In short I have lived.
    My life kicks ass.

    If health care had been rationed when I was a child all of this I would have missed.

    Who are we to decide, as fallable humans, who lives and dies?
    It seems in Turkey a man ran off with the wife of his friend and called that friend the next day to say "I've run off with your wife, take mine."

    Seems the man whose wife left still wants her back and doesn't want the wife of his now, I imagine, ex friend.

    Smart man.

    If you are gonna be a stinker of a friend and run off with a mans wife, do you really need to rub salt in the wound by trying to give your old friend that nag of a wife you ran away from?

    Insult to injury man.
    A tip o' me tam to Ric at Release the Hounds for the heads up on this bit of insanity. Over at Fjordman, a great blog to read if you want to keep tabs on one of the little known front lines in the Global War On Terror is a translation of a story regarding some cartoons in a Danish newspaper that "allegedly" put Mohammad, (pork and beans be upon him) in a bad light.

    Beyond the story of bounties on the heads of cartoonists are several things I wish to address, namely the fact that the UN seems determined to order the Danes around in more ways than one. It is bad enough that the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) has pretty much declared war on Denmark, but then to be told by the UN that "closing it's borders to poor refugees" would be against international law must really sting.

    It would seem that the UN is now running Denmark.

    The UN is a corrupt organization that wants to run the world headlong towards it's socialist paradise, giving everyone the same standard of mediocrity (read poverty), and letting insanity be the rule of the day.

    Moral Relativism and Situational Ethics seem to be the New World Order, where everything is opposite to reality and common sense. The belief that Islam is a religion of peace is a symptom of something seriously amiss in the way that some people think, for how can one consider any religion peaceful when it routinely calls for the deaths of its' critics? People that defend islam as a religion of peace are either sadly misguided, unthinking apologists or islamic.

    When Pat Robertson called for the execution of Hugo Chavez, mainstream christians distanced themselves from him. Regardless of the clout he claims to have, or the power he supposedly weilds, I have yet to hear of one person being killed by a follower of Pat Robertson. Do you think that Hugo Chavez's security people are fearful that a christian "martyr" will detonate himself in an attempt on Chavez's life? I wager they lose no sleep over the hordes of Christian Terrorists that are at this very moment infiltrating Venezuela to wage Robertsons Crusade.

    But at this very moment Islamic fundamentalists are planning, training and carrying out terrorists acts against who knows who this time, simply because a group of Imams have decided that this person or that group has defamed islam and must be killed.

    And the UN calls that racism and xenophobia.

    Xenophobia: an irrational fear of foreigners or strangers

    Is it irrational to fear people that follow islam? Maybe taken as a whole, but in the case of the Dutch, who have been under increasing attacks since Theo Van Gogh was killed, with tensions rising between the muslims and non-muslims becoming ever more pronounced, I don't think a fear of Muslims is irrational, nor do I believe that the Dutch should give up their sovereign rights to control their borders to the UN.

    It boils down to this, folks. Islam stomps on free speech, by demanding that none speak against it in any form, and the UN, in a continuing seizure of political correctness that has paralyzed all common sense, is all too willing to help it along.

    Islam is an enemy of freedom. The UN is its' ally.

    Today the Danes, tomorrow Europe, next week the world.

    Head on over to Fjordman and read the article.
    Jeus is the Reason for the Season

    Every year we watch as the secularization of the birth of Christ happens around us. This year people are being preemptive, and its been quite successful. Kevin McCullough has started a campaign to send the ACLU Merry Christmas cards. Another effort is out there as well called Operation Nativity.

    Dr. Charles Nestor, director of The Truth Matters, is announcing a project called "Operation Nativity" with the goal of having Christians across the country set up nativity scenes on their own property.

    Nestor states, "It's that time of year again. We're not even out of October and already the forces are aligning to prohibit the public celebration of the birth of Jesus.

    "December 25 is the day in our culture that is set aside to acknowledge and to celebrate that Jesus of Nazareth was born. For Christians it is more than a day of feasting and the exchange of gifts, it is a holy and solemn time to join our voices in unison as the angels proclaimed on the hillside to the shepherds, 'Glory to God in the highest.'

    "I am calling for Christians everywhere to join me in Operation Nativity. While we continue to support the public displays, let's flood the country with nativity scenes on our own properties!

    "Think with me what could happen if on lawns in every community, on business property, on church lawns, at Christian schools, on empty land, and literally everywhere you looked, there was the depiction of the scene that recognizes the birth of Jesus.

    "Simple cutouts are available. Many already own lighted sets. It could be a family project, filled with opportunities to teach children about the events surrounding the birth of the Savior.Source

    We are all for this, and encourage everyone to join in this expression of Christmas. And we want to take this idea and run with it! Decorate your blog for Christmas with a nativity scene, in support of religious expression, and as a sign of your support for stopping the ACLU, and the secularist movement.

    Please download the pics, and host them yourself...I can not afford the bandwidth of hotlinking. If you want to put the nativity scene pic in support of Stop The ACLU, and to decorate your blog for the Christmas season, copy the code below, and replace the URL of the pics with the downloaded pic that you host.

    Merry Christmas ACLU

    If you want to put the Homeland Holiday Advisory System, copy this code.

    Holiday Advisory

    Here's to the Christmas holiday!

    crossposted at Stop the ACLU
    The husband from hell is BACK once again- he made so much money on the death of his wife, he wants to make sure he helps others do the same.

    Schiavo, whose effort to end life support for his brain-damaged wife divided a nation, is starting a political action committee that will challenge candidates based on where they stand on government's reach in private lives.

    Nine months after a fierce political and legal fight over Terri Schiavo, Michael Schiavo said his experience with political leaders "has opened my eyes to just how easily the private wishes of normal Americans like me and Terri can be cast aside in a destructive game of political pandering."

    Schiavo described himself as a lifelong Republican "before Republicans pushed the power of government into my private family decisions."

    Well Michael, had there not been so many questions raised by nursing staff who overheard your nasty remarks all the time, people would have trusted your motives. Had you not spent all the money marked for Terri's REHAB on yourself and your NEW family, people would have trusted your motives. Had you not been so evasive and just allowed those tests to be performed on Terri, people would have trusted your motives. I have to ask you Michael:HOw much money are you getting paid to take on such an endeavor? And who is behind this? It doesn't take even an idiOt to figure this out.

    The political action committee, TerriPAC, will raise and spend money on Florida candidates as well as those running for Congress. Terri Schiavo suffered a brain injury in 1990 that left her in what some doctors called a "persistent vegetative state." Her parents sought to keep her feeding tube in place while her husband pushed to have it removed, citing her wishes and setting off a bitter court battle.

    Congress, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and his brother, President Bush, all tried to have the feeding tube reinserted. Schiavo died on March 31.

    I can imagine how Terri must feel about this. To know her name is being used to further promote the culture of death...
    No complete video to review, but some thoughts on Zawahiri's latest video.

    Out of order from the actual report:

    The tape appeared to have been filmed sometime during or after last September as Zawahri referred to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's re-election in that month, as well as Afghanistan's September 18 legislative elections.

    The video showed Zawahri speaking against a white background to an interviewer off-camera who said the interview was to mark the fourth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on U.S. cities -- carried out by al Qaeda.

    There are a couple of reasons that this was filmed in September and we're just now seeing it. My first theory is that these guys are so far and gone in the back and beyond, having to keep moving for the sake of safety and that their network of message movers in the Afghanistan/Pakistan area is so degraded that they simply must take this like by dent of travel and security to get it to a distribution point.

    I feel this is backed up by the fact that his letter to Zarqawi was written in June but didn't get picked up until late August.

    Next comment:

    "Its prince Sheikh Osama bin Laden, may God protect him, is still leading its jihad (holy war)," Zawahri said.

    Now, why would Zawahiri feel the need to re-affirm OBLs leadership role? Keep in mind that Harry Reids latest oops regarding the potential that OBL was dead in the Waziristan area of Pakistan was only a week or so ago and the video was taped in September right as his last letter was making the rounds. I may not recall correctly, but I don't recall much speculation tht OBL was dead in September, usually the reason these guys feel the need to come out and say differently.

    However, what was going on in September and the few months prior to that was that Zarqawi and Zawahiri were exchanging letters and video/audio. Zarqawi was taken to task by Zawahiri about his tactics in the letter and other questions; Zarqawi immediately responded (for him; it was about a week later) stating the letter was a lie and re-asserting that his operational choices were appropriate.

    The Zawahiri letter also gave us very important details about the split within the groups that Zarqawi was attempting to coop, but at the same time he was busy giving them lectures about appropriate Islam, forcing them to live by his Wahabist doctrine when many were Ashari or Maturdi. Basically, he was ticking off the locals and other allies not to mention the Iranians who were getting quite nervous that their 900 lb gorilla on a 2mm wide chain was trying to eat their lap dogs in Iraq. Iran apparently sent a little message in the shape of a horse head in the bed reminding Zawahiri that they still had some folks as "guests" as leverage.

    So, Zawihiri was re-affirming OBL's leadership role, even though OBL himself has not made but one message in the last year for one of two reasons:

    a) Zarqawi keeps making bad choices and thwarting the authority of the central organization. This may be an attempt to reign him back, re-assert ideological control and remind others who are following the great warrior Zarqawi that their true loyalties lie with the Holy War as represented by "Prince" OBL.

    b) Zawahiri's version of the "Wizard of Oz". He's telling people not to look behind the curtain, that the Wizard is before you and he is large and in charge even if you can't physically see him. Which means that OBL is no where near Zawahiri. Before the US bombed them out of Tora Bora, Zawahiri and OBL were want to appear together and now we only see them separately, if we see OBL at all, which has been at least a year. Now, it could be that they are both separately on the run in the Waziristan border and they have done this because their security has been compromised more than once. Sort of like putting the VP in one place and the President in the other in order to insure that governance can continue if one or the other is captured.

    Remember in his letter he talked about al Faraj's take down being a blow to their ability to communicate and receive funds. But, more so, he talked about how al Faraj was taken down which was betrayal by a trusted insider. Of course, there are still 16 leadership elements in Iran, including known parts of OBL's family so I leave open the possibility, as I have in the past, that OBL is in Iran and that is why we and the mujihadeen can't see him.

    Either way, they are separated and for all Zawahiris claims of success for the mujihadeen, the fact that they can't even be near each other for fear of capture is a sure sign of weakness in the group.

    Then we have Zawahiri re-affirming what I have said before and that is that they are no simple ideologues functioning on a purely altruistic or religious construct, but are fully aware of the oil in the region and its importance (see, Al Qaida's war for oil and other things).

    "I call on mujahideen to concentrate their attacks on Muslims' stolen oil, most of the revenues of which go to the enemies of Islam while most of what they leave is seized by the thieves who rule our countries," he said.

    What's interesting about this statement is that, in the beginning they issued directives about saving these resources because the caliphate would need them in the future to pay for operational costs and use as a tool of leverage against all those who need the oil. It shows that these men can change tactics as needed, but it also shows that they recognize the fight is much harder than they expected to set up this caliphate or to damage the US. They thought they could do it while keeping these resources.

    However, I've said before that these are no mean cave dwellers without political and financial savvy. They know how markets and economies work.

    The other tell in the message (though I'd like to see the full statement), is that, once again, as in his letter to Zarqawi, Zawahiri asks for:

    ""I call on Muslims everywhere to support their mujahideen brothers in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine with money, men and prayer ... especially (Muslims) in the countries surrounding these battlefields."

    In other words, recruitment is down, the mujihadeen are not actually winning the glorious war and money is in short supply. It's interesting that Zawahiri who had just been making the plea for money to Zarqawi (and reminding him not to throw away the help they need on pointless discussions about proper Sunni doctrine), decided to skip the middle man and appeal right to the target audience.

    Is that another sign of waning trust or did Zawahiri get the message that Zarqawi was having difficulties getting and moving money?

    Aside from some propaganda about their winning streak and some cheerleading comments for the mujihadeen, there are three other statements that bear some intelligence (I'm sure there will be more when we get the full statement).

    Zawahiri recognizes or states their intentions again for an American withdrawal:

    "The (Iraqi) government is begging Americans not to leave because they know the day Americans leave is the day they are finished."

    He tries to claim the same for Afghanistan, but since he is in Pakistan and the Pakistan army is after him, it rings kind of false:

    "If it wasn't for the Pakistani army's continuous support to Americans, they would have left (Afghanistan) a long time ago and they will leave soon, God willing."

    And then it contains what can only be surmised as either recognition of their involvement in the July 7 bombings or is another threat for another large scale attack:

    Zawahri said Britons had only their government to blame for al Qaeda's suicide bombings in London earlier this year because it had failed to accept a truce offered by bin Laden in exchange for leaving "Islam's homes."

    Those are the basics. Read what little else is available for some more propaganda about how they are winning the war, elections are sinful, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    The Democrats want everyone to think THEY have THE solution for the illegal immigration crisis.They have new ideas and fresh thought...yeah right! Their plan amounts to nothing more than total amnesty for those who are here illegally.

    The Democratic National Committee insisted Saturday that efforts to secure the nation’s borders shouldn’t shut out an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants and their families already living in the U.S.

    Typical for the Democrats. Take what is illegal and just make it legal. Change the rules of the game.

    The DNC wrapped up its fall meetings in Phoenix by unanimously passing three resolutions related to illegal immigration, showing clearer unity on the issue than sharply divided Republicans.

    The main document calls for more effective border security but also says immigration reform should allow illegal workers to "earn the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship."

    The DNC stance echoes bipartisan legislation cosponsored by Sens. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass, and John McCain, R-Ariz., as well as House Republicans Jeff Flake and Jim Kolbe, both of Arizona. That plan would allow immigrants who pay a $2,000 fine and back taxes to eventually seek permanent residency.

    Uh huh...doesn't it always come down to paying money for freedom? The Democrats will use this issue and make money and votes off of it. They could care less if some of these illegals are here to harm America. They could care less about the resources being suckered up and taken away from Americans.

    Dean suggested Bush wants to round up and deport all illegal immigrants. In truth, the Bush plan would allow a guestworker program. But immigrants would have to return to their home countries when their work visas expire after six years.

    Dean is stupid. But I wish he was right about what the Bush plan calls for. We should round and deport every illegal in the country. Plain. Simple.

    A second resolution adopted Saturday condemns a proposed Colorado constitutional amendment that would deny illegal immigrants access to all nonemergency government services not mandated by federal law. The Colorado proposal was inspired by Arizona’s Proposition 200, which state voters approved in 2004 by a wide margin.

    This is a joke. There isn't much that isn't mandated by federal law...any hospital that gets federal money has to accept patients, regardless of their national origin or alien status. Same with welfare. Same with most social programs.

    The third resolution condemned as vigilantes civilian anti-immigration groups such as the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps.

    The Democrats hate all who defend America- be them soldiers or peaceful border guards.

    The DNC's Press Release about Illegal Immigration

    Tom Tancredo:
    We all watched President Bush' speech in Tucson last Monday with high hopes. Much of his rhetoric was on target. But when he says border security must go hand in hand with comprehensive immigration reform, he has it exactly backward. His proposal includes an amnesty for the 10 million to 15 million illegal aliens already in our country, and that step will render any new border security effort useless and laughable.

    In 1986, Congress passed a general amnesty for more than 2 million illegal aliens on the promise that border security would be achieved and laws against employment of illegal workers would be enforced. Neither of those promises was kept, and the Congress will not be tricked a second time.

    Any honest and sensible immigration reform must start with border security and interior enforcement. When those two things are achieved, we can debate what kind of new temporary worker program makes the most sense.

    But until we have actually demonstrated that we have achieved border security and enforcement of our laws, it is dishonest to propose another amnesty as a solution.
    How To: The Al-Qaida Guide to Kidnapping - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News

    Kidnapping is okay -- so long as it serves political or financial goals for a terrorist organization. It's also fine if it draws attention to a political issue like, say, Chechnya. You should also stay distant from hostages -- literally -- lest you get to close to them, both physically and mentally. These are just a few of the parting tips offered by a top al-Qaida strategists before he was killed in 2004.

    Stop The ACLU

    The ACLU is up to their anti-US, anti-defense, anti-security litigation again. This time they are suing the CIA based on "secret prisons" and the allegations of one man.

    A US civil rights groups says it is taking the CIA to court to stop the transportation of terror suspects to countries outside US legal authority.

    The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) says the intelligence agency has broken both US and international law.

    It is acting for a man allegedly flown to a secret CIA prison in Afghanistan.

    US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says she'll comment on recent reports of alleged CIA prisons abroad before starting a visit to Europe on Monday.

    Ms Rice has said she will provide an answer to a EU letter expressing concern over reports last month alleging the US intelligence agency was using secret jails - particularly in eastern Europe.

    'Extraordinary rendition'

    "The lawsuit will charge that CIA officials at the highest level violated US and universal human rights laws when they authorised agents to abduct an innocent man, detain him in incommunicado, beat him, drug and transport him to a secret CIA prison in Afghanistan," the ACLU said in a news release. SOURCE

    First off, I don't know how the ACLU got details of this particular man's case, and I'm not advocating torture if it happened, however, that's not what they're arguing. They are instead fighting the use of secret prisons across the globe. What if the ACLU had tried this in WW2? In World War Two, we had prisons camps across the country, and in some cases overseas, and they were secret. It's a necessary action, not only for our safety, but for the safety of the prisoners. If we release the location, terrorists and enemies could attempt to assault it, or, angry Americans could attempt an attack. In the wake of 9/11, there was an extraordinary amount of anger, and I could easily imagine groups of disgruntled Americans attacking holding camps of Al-Qaeda members.

    So what's the ACLU's argument? It's not about torture, but rather about the fact that they are having a hard time defending the terrorists because they cannot locate them or communicate with them. The ACLU refused funds from groups that said their money can't be used to defend terrorism. That's what this is about. The CIA is doing this for the safety of our troops, the safety of the average American, and even the safety of the prisoners. The ACLU wants to assault that safety.
    Crossposted from Stop The ACLU

    In a victory for National Security, and the American citizen not to be blown up, a judge ruled today against the ACLU, and for NYC Subways in their effort to protect their citizens.

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal judge ruled on Friday that police had a constitutional right to randomly search passengers' bags on the New York City subway to deter terrorist attacks.

    U.S. District Judge Richard Berman ruled the searches were an effective and appropriate means to fight terrorism, and constituted only a "minimal intrusion" of privacy.

    "The risk to public safety of a terrorist bombing of New York City's subway system is substantial and real," Berman wrote in his opinion.

    "The need for implementing counter-terrorism measures is indisputable, pressing, ongoing and evolving."

    Random bag searches began on July 22 after a second set of bomb attacks on London's transit system.

    In a statement, Mayor Michael Bloomberg praised the ruling, calling bag searches a "reasonable precaution" that police would continue to take.

    The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU), which had sued to stop the searches, plans to appeal, Executive Director Donna Lieberman said in a statement. She said the "unprecedented" bag search program violated a basic freedom.

    Well of course they plan to appeal, they wouldn't want common sense to prevail! I understand the ACLU's concern on this. No one wants to live in a police state. However, I think they are completely overzealous in this. The majority of people do not mind being searched if it means they will live another day. Besides, the ACLU would have another fit if we were to try to implement profiled searches. And they have even proven through their lawsuit in Tampa against Raymond James Stadium that they are against searches across the board. The irony is that on their own building they have a sign that says you may be subject to search upon entering. The ACLU have twisted a legitimate attempt to protect NY's citizens into a scare tactic method completely overexaggerated. Why can't they see what most people can? The threat of being blown up is a greater risk, than the far fetched idea of a police state.
    First of all, Stop The ACLU got a full page, color ad in the Washington Times. If you haven't seen it yet, you can do so HERE.

    Merry Christmas ACLU Every year we have come to expect the ACLU to wage war on Christmas. Just recently, the ADF won a victory for a school threatened by the ACLU over a nativity scene. The ACLU have created an environment that has spread like a virus across the nation. The far left have taken the politically correct ball and ran with it. They have redefined in their own minds, and in the minds of many Americans that "all inclusive" means "excluding" Christianity.

    The environment the ACLU have created through threatening tactics across the years have made many schools proactive. In order to avoid lawsuits, some schools straight out banned the C word. This year, however, legal groups are being preemptive. The Alliance Defense Fund has even devoted a website, and offered free legal advice to any who feel they are being censored this year.

    A backlash is happening this year as the American people are making their voices known. Wal-Mart felt the backlash, and backed off the politically correct exclusion of the word Christmas after being threatened with a boycott. Boston set off a furor this week when it officially renamed a giant tree erected in a city park a “holiday tree” instead of a “Christmas tree.”

    The Capitol officially returned to calling it a Christmas tree instead of a holiday tree. Lowes also dumped the "holiday" reference after public outcry.

    One Michagan family was told they could not display a nativity scene on their own lawn. After being threatened with fines if they did not remove it, they contacted the Thomas More Law Center, and were victorious in standing up for their rights.

    Bill O'Reilly is leading the charge on his show, featuring the secularization of Christmas. John Gibson, also of FOX news has even written a book about it.

    They are not alone, bloggers are reacting too. California Conservative has teamed up with us, and created a petition to support Christmas. Stop The ACLU is providing Christmas decorations for your blog. Kevin McCullough is asking his readers to send the ACLU Christmas cards.

    Across the nation, people are standing up to the ACLU. In Georgia, legislators are proposing a bill that would allow counties to freely display historical documents “without threat from the ACLU. The Louisiana Legislature has approved a resolution urging Congress to pass the Constitution Restoration Act, a bill that would prohibit federal courts from ruling in cases involving government officials who acknowledge God “as the sovereign source of law, liberty or government.” Under the bill, any judge who violates the proposed rule by making “extrajurisdictional” decisions will have committed an offense that is grounds for impeachment.

    Representative Hostettler has introduced legislation to the House that would limit attorney fees in Establishment Clause cases to injunctive relief only.

    We have a petition set up asking Congress to stop taxpayer funding for the ACLU. Stand up, and fight the ACLU.

    This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already onboard.