Anil Bartwal
Hello Dear, Thank You for providing the useful and important information, the writing sequence is so preety. Recently i am reading Mercury Retrograde 2017 Topic. this is very interesting and...
OMG you're still alive?
Nasty Natasha
Dear Sir: This is perhaps the most unintentionally hilarious sexist screed I have ever seen. The amount of time you spend here rambling on about your penis is proof positive that said organ is, in...
Lisa Taylor
Wow... this is crazy! I had actually considered taking my daughter (5) on a train ride just for the experience, but I'm glad that I read this "Buyer Beware" story first!! Hope you got your refund...
Kender: I have found that it is the personal pieces that hold the human interest because they are rooted in truth. You write very well, sir. Thank you for sharing that with me. Glenn.
Tim High
Very well written.
Kenders' Musings: An Open Letter to the Kos Kids, · 12 years ago
eddy smith
Makes ya realize you should have bought the house on the hill and a lift kit for the truck.
Really Thanks for this!
Wild Bill Kerr
Hey buddy, how you been? What you been up to? Love to get back in touch with you.
Those aren't my blogs, and you come leave lies in my comment section, on my blog, uninvited and unwelcome and I am stalking YOU?
· 3 posts
Lisa Taylor
· 1 post
· 1 post
· 1 post
Wild Bill Kerr
· 1 post
What I'm Raeding Today15 years ago
.11 years ago
Those Whom The Gods Wish To Destroy ...8 years ago
If You Don't Change Your RSS Feed...15 years ago
Ministry11 years ago
Lacuna5 years ago
Petition to Stop Judicial Tyranny19 years ago
tazmedic12 years ago
America's New Diet16 years ago
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Feel free to post comments, rants, or even personal attacks. It simply shows your wish for taunting if you do the latter.
You can say anything you want here. But if you get stupid I reserve the right to point it out, call you lots of inventive names and laugh like hell.
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
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- Mackers World(Right)
- Ric and Georgina at Release The Hounds!(Right)
- RN at Dead Republican Presidents!
(Right) - Kat, sometimes in pajamas!
- Madtom at ThisFuckingWar! (Right)
- Michael J. Totten sets things straight!(Right)
- Maxedoutmama is a research Goddess!(Right)
- Andrightlyso! smacks on idiots!(Right)
- Where's Your Brain?(Right)
- Warm'n'fuzzy conserva-puppies>(Right)
- Crymeariverbend2 has a gnarly truth stick!(Right)
- Jeffrey at IBC is HQ for Iraqi bloggings(Right)
- The Sandmonkey cuts through the APU!(Right)
- The Lone Ranger
A Man of Rare Integrity! (Right) - Out of the Ashes(Right)
- Tazmedic(Right) (Read the archives!)
- Amandarin(Right) (A clever friend from the other side of the street)
- Literal Lunacy
A Most Beloved Friend!
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
- Iraq the Model
- Ali returns!!!
- Raeds Place
(This is where I go when I want to piss off some insane "Unrealists". Thanks CMAR!) - Khalid Digging for Secrets!
- Kurdo's World
- Baghdad Burning
(The infamous, the mysterious, the mostly hysterical Riverbend!!!!)
One of the strangest aspects of the story of illegally-imprisoned US Special Forces soldier Jack Idema is his bizarre treatment at the hands of MSM.
Indeed, for anyone currently searching internet archives for information on this case, the 'Idema' presented to them will, invariably, be this one
The colourful Idema - sunglasses on in court as always - insisted again he was on an anti-terrorist mission approved by the Pentagon and the Afghan government.What we have here, then, is Jack as 'colourful' rogue, Jack as fantasist, Jack as crook. Almost without exception, such unfair and derogatory descriptions of Idema are the only ones available from mainstream outlets. And, almost without exception, all mention of Idema starts with his arrest in July 2004. Looking at this material, a person could, in fact, be forgiven for thinking that no journalist had ever heard of Jack until that point.
But there will be many in both governments who will be breathing a sigh of relief that for the moment, the case is over - and out of the public eye. It has proved embarrassing for them, because of a drip feed of revelations.
This just isn't true.
In reality, Jack and his team's activities received extensive coverage in the media from September 2001 onwards. Here's a sample of this, which is archived (along with many, many others) over at SuperPatriots:
On the rocky hilltops overlooking the earthquake-battered villages there were hundreds still hoping for help, still praying, and still untreated days after the powerful earthquake levelled the area.This story originally appeared after the Nahrin earthquake, on April 2nd, 2002, and is interesting because it shows how Jack and his team were presented in a heroic light by MSM when it suited their purpose to do so.
Untreated, that is, until Jack showed up.
Coalition Forces may not be able to reach the injured, and German military forces had to turn back at the base of one mountain due to security concerns, but this American doesn't seem to have a problem.
On Saturday, wearing a khaki-and-brown, U.S. flag patch on his shoulder, sporting a beard and carrying an assault rifle and pistols, Jack continued his own one-man mission to help those hurt in the quake that struck this area of northern Afghanistan a week ago - and in particular find all of its neglected victims: women and children.
Only, here's the thing: Jack and Brent's arrest in 2004 presented the media with an opportunity to repeat Taliban-manufactured lies about how Jack had kidnapped and tortured Afghan prisoners by hanging them from the walls of his (non-existent) basement -- For the average lefty-journalist this story must have been very tempting indeed.
Except. What to do about all those other stories, the ones which truthfully portrayed Idema as the kind of hero who hunts terrorists and saves women and children under fire? After all, MSM's post-2004 'version' of Jack Idema clearly wouldn't stand up to scrutiny if all those earlier stories were around to contradict it.
It's at this point that the media should have just done their jobs, asking serious questions about the truthfulness of the allegations against Jack and his team, and helping to clear their names. Instead, the media elected to erase virtually all pre-2004 stories about Idema from their servers, pretend they were unaware of his presence in Afghanistan prior to his arrest, then run the (to them) far more attractive story of the US 'torturer' put on trial by those he'd tormented.
To see how effective (and systematic) this 'scrubbing out' of the truth about Jack actually is, simply try clicking any of the links to pre-2004 Idema stories on the SuperPatriots website. In almost all instances, the result is the same as this from Britain's Guardian
Sorry, the requested article is no longer available.It's in this way that the truth about a decent man has been buried in order to promote the lies that keep him imprisoned to this day.
So what can we do? Well, anyone reading this with their own blog can sign up for the weekly Free Jack Idema Blogburst by emailing Cao or Rottweiler Puppy for details. I'd urge everyone to do this, as we're still terribly short on takers. If you want to know more about the story, Cao's Blog has a large section devoted to Jack Idema. There's also a timeline here, and, of course, a huge amount of information is available over at SuperPatriots, without whose work none of us would have learned about Jack's story.
You should also contact the following people and make your feelings known,
especially to write letters of complaint about this despicable situation:
Secret US EMBASSY Fax: - 301-560-5729
(Local US Fax: Goes RIGHT TO Ambassador)
c/o US Ambassador Ronald Neuman
US Embassy- Afghanistan
6180 Kabul Place
Dulles, VA 20189-6180
US Consul Russell Brown - 011-93-70201908 (Fired)
US Consul Addie Harchik- 011-93-70201908
(denied them water and mail at Thanksgiving- Gone)
US Consul Edward Birsner- number yet unknown
US Embassy Translator Wahid - 011-93-70201902
US Embassy Asst Consul Bashir Momman- 011-93-70201923
US Consul (friend) Dawn Schrepel- 011-93-70201908 (Fired)
Ambassador Massoud Khalili
(wounded with Massoud)
(Great and Kind man)
Islamic State of Afghanistan
Embassy of Afghanistan
Ankara, Turkey
H.E. Said Tayeb JAWAD (Afghan Ambassador- powerful in US)
(Northern Alliance Good Guy Fired- New Pro Taliban Ambassador)
Embassy of Afghanistan in Washington
2341 Wyoming Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel: (202) 483-6414
Fax: (202) 483-9523
Mr. Jahed Hamrah, Consul General (pro-Taliban)
360 Lexington Avenue,
11th Floor New York,
New, York, NY 10017
Tel.: (212) 972-2276 or 972-2277
Fax: (212) 972-9046
Chairman Peter Hoekstra
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
H-405, U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC 20515-6415;
Office: 202-225-4121 / Fax: 202-225-1991
Toll Free: (877) 858-9040
Independent Expert of the Commission on Human Rights
On the Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Ph: +41(0)22 917 97 27 Fax: +41(0)22 917 90 18
Senator Steven Saland (Jack's Rep and Neighbor)
9 Jonathan Lane
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Senator Elizabeth Dole (Jack's Rep)
United States Senate
555 Dirksen Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Ph: 202-224.6342
Fax: 202-224.1100
Senator Richard Burr (Interested)
United States Senate
217 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3154 / Fax: 202-228-2981
Senator Bill Nelson (in the fight on Jack's Side)
United States Senate
Hart Senate Office Building
Room 716
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-5274 / Fax: 202-228-2183
FL Fax 407-872-7165
Senator Dianne Feinstein (Bennett's Representative)
United States Senate
Hart Office Building, Room 331
Washington, D.C. 20510
Representative Mike McIntyre (Jack's Representative)
United States Congress
2437 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-2731 / Fax 202-225-5773
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
(Reference Captain Bennett- CA citizen)
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841 / Fax: 916-445-4633
Finally, PLEASE NOTE: The SuperPatriots and Jack images on this site are used with WRITTEN COPYRIGHT PERMISSION and any use by any third party is subject to legal action by SuperPatriots.US
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